I have met so many adults who think they are not creative. Sadly this ‘dis-ease’ is also catching onto the older children or younger teens. It’s simply not true. I was so surprised recently when my 10 year old granddaughter came to me with her head down and said that she is not creative, that she can’t paint, yet she’s one of the most creative and talented people I know. It oozes out of her when she has a pencil or brush in her hand, along with the joy.


We are all naturally creative. As kids we easily create things yet by the time we are adults we have bought into an idea that something has to look a certain way in order to be ‘good enough’, or to be classed as art. Again that is not true.


As adults we tend to tighten up in many areas of our lives – my physical body would agree with that . We are so used to putting things in boxes, as in, having expectations on how we, others, life and the world around us is meant to behave, look, sound etc.


Boxes! Instead of seeing and feeling the uniqueness of every living thing, including ourselves we are so stressed about trying to fit into some societal idea of what’s acceptable and what’s not. How can we be comfortable with anything we create? We can’t really, unless and until we are get out of the boxes and allow ourselves to express our uniqueness, our individuality.


So ... YES you are creative!