"The moment in between what you once were and who you are now becoming, is where the dance of life really happens."
Barbara De Angelis


Art and Wellbeing  Art for HealingArt Classes
        Art and Wellbeing                        Art and Healing                             Art Classes  

Life happens and it is not always easy. Most of us have or are experiencing grief and the loss of someone important to us, or the loss of a place that has deep meaning for us. There are many losses in our lives – our bodies changing for example and the loss of youth. Many of us have also experienced abuse, be it physical, sexual, emotional and/or psychological. These experiences take time to heal.


In my own journey, I have come to understand that when we are healing we need to allow ourselves time, to give ourselves acceptance, kindness and love. Art and creativity has been a big part of my own healing journey and I know it has been beneficial for many others.


Something magical happens when we are creating. It can allow us to feel. We may cry. We may scream or yell and I am letting you know now that all of our feelings are ok. Everything we feel is part of us, whether it is a wounded part that is crying out for our attention and acknowledgement – our love, or that part of us that in that moment is bubbling over with Joy!