"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage" Anais Nin


Counselling Spiritual DevelopmentArt ClassesMeditation Classes
               Counselling                         Spiritual Development             Mentoring and Coaching                 Meditation Classes  


Do you feel that there has to be something more?


Maybe you feel that there is more to you than you think but don’t quite know what that is or how to access it. You know you are capable of so much more, that there is much more to you. You may feel there is a bigger part of you or a part that is more wise, more knowing – and you may feel that part of you at times, or hear that when you involved in a conversation and be wondering why you are not able to be that all of the time.


Perhaps you want to love yourself more. You are tired of feeling so bad about yourself, or of allowing others to control you or abuse you. There can be many reasons people move towards developing spiritually. Whatever your motivation, together we can uncover your True Essence, the Spirit that you are. Through practicing the tools and clearing processes, you can gradually embody more of your essential self, your authentic self. You can stop pretending to be small and insignificant and give yourself permission to be all that you can be. To shine; to lovingly express yourself; to reclaim your self respect; to let go of the need for approval from outside yourself; to free yourself from the need to punish yourself or others or the need to suffer and endure life. You can be the person you deeply long to person – a spiritualised human – Spirit in human form.


It is not a path for the faint hearted – it is hard work, yet nothing could be more rewarding, fulfilling or satisfying. As you notice the change in yourself and how you relate with yourself and others, and you begin to feel the love and respect for yourself, you know there is no way you could not do this work. There is nothing that feeds your Soul and Spirit more.


If you feel drawn to do this work, I am available to mentor you on your journey, for we can only go so far on our own. We all have areas that we are not able to see for ourselves. We need someone to walk alongside us, someone who has gone through the same things you have and will experience; someone just a few steps ahead on the path. If this sounds like something you would like to be involved with I would love to hear from you.


Mediation and Spiritual Development classes are currently held each Tuesday evening 7.30 to 8.30pm at Alkimos Pop-up Library, Alkimos Perth. Classes are free.